maybe you shouldn't f**k girls whose hand you don't even want to hold. I feel bad for any girl who's gone near you, you nasty slutty douchebag. you're not a man, you're a disgusting baby. go take along walk off a short pier.
4:26 PDA? seriously i can understand making out and shit but holding hands? you have a problem with holding hands? you must hate hugging too.. I would hate to know you. A little affection won't kill anyone..
STOP POSTINg THE FUCKInG ShIT AbOuT PrEtZaLs aNd bAcoN!!!!!!!!!!
You guys don't know about the texting just to get rid of the hand-holder-chick move? This guy clearly did it and it fucking worked for the five seconds it took to send this text.
let's see.... the OP has 2 choices: a) take away his hand or b) kill himself. I hope he kills himself because the human race doesn't need someone out that that is a dumb as this dipshit
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