First don't talk politics, second if ur gonna do it anyways dont be a fucking ignorant prick!!! Bush took the multi Billion dollar surplus Clinton had when he left office and turned it into a multi Trillion dollar defacit so shut the fuck up!
Ok you can seriously tell this text is from Sedalia fucking Missouri because the 'pretzel' idiot cant think of anything better to say. 'Obama' fucker is just trying to get attention, and everyone who has responded to his and is not from Sedalia I give you kudos for being more intelligent than the 40,000 occupants of that god forsaken town. Pretzel dude.....hit your meth pipe and shut the fuck up
So Bush was honestly better? He put the country in the worst shape ever. Change takes time or would u rather have had Sarah Palin and been even mote of a laughing stock to the rest of the world.
You really think Clinton left a surplus? Go look up the stats. He only had less of a deficit. Nice try though. So now you look like the prick with politics.
They should get better management for this site and stop policeing it so hard the need to let more texts through or if they make em up them self then write more
yeah something tells me that most the people who are on here dont give two shits about politics. oh and this text literally was about me. i was actually passed out in some random dude's car. pretty epic. 660
Oh shit. Obama does fucking suck. He literally is fucking the economy up worse. Never give a black man power. He'll fucking abuse it. Prime example. Obama. H8 him.
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