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  • I feel like that at work all the time. Work in a kitchen... with all those knives around it gets pretty tempting. Which is why this is now one of my favorite texts.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jun 21, 09 at 11:38pm
  • It was Ghandi who once said, "violence can solve all the world's problems".

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jun 21, 09 at 7:59pm
  • violence is not the answer.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jun 21, 09 at 6:24pm
  • A good stabbing definitely gets people in line. Do it anonymously (mask) and people will start to appreciate life afterwards which makes them stop running their mouths.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jun 22, 09 at 12:42pm
  • those who cant understand the sentiment, are the ones who are most likely about to get stabbed

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jun 21, 09 at 10:34pm
  • yeahhhh i feel like this on the daily/hourly. lol kill everyone.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jun 22, 09 at 12:55pm
  • that sounds like me on a normal day

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jun 21, 09 at 6:22pm
  • houston will do that to you....

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jun 21, 09 at 10:23pm
  • I think... That may actually have been me.

    Submitted by Lykos on Feb 11, 10 at 1:03pm
  • Moral of the Story= Thats my new catchphrase. Cheers pal!

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jun 21, 09 at 6:09pm
  • This is how I feel almost every day, lol.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jun 21, 09 at 8:18pm
  • I'm pretty sure that I have texted that more than once.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jun 21, 09 at 6:25pm
  • What story has this as a moral?

    Submitted by Moline85 on Dec 31, 15 at 7:58pm