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  • Insert pretzels into her mouth? But that will make her thirsty.

    Submitted by dmoney1234 on Dec 11, 12 at 10:10am
  • Sounds like a rapist

    Submitted by felidae on Dec 11, 12 at 11:20am
  • What crawled up your ass 478?

    Submitted by ship1491 on Dec 31, 12 at 2:42pm
  • Hundred % chance she has a boyfriend, she hates you, and she's out of your pitiful, misogynistic league. Crawl back to Internet porn, it's all you'll ever have.

    Submitted by 478 on Dec 11, 12 at 3:38pm
  • Seventy Seven

    Submitted by SeventySeven on Dec 11, 12 at 12:22pm