is it bad that the first thing i do when i get downstairs is go on farm town?
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me 2, ugh facebook lol
I love Farmtown, im always scared il wake up to dead crops.
I do it too. And I hate the game. How pathetic of me
Farmtown? WTF is that? I mean I play farmville...
what the fuck is farm town? whoaaaa nelly
I couldnt live without farm town
it's morbidly addicting..
will people stop fucking writing names with a question mark? Fuck its not your stupid friend who wrote it okay stop being such a fuckin loser
happy farm is for the true farmers
My mother does this too. she's excited about her llamas and it makes me sick.
i'm ashamed to be from 407 right now.
I freakin hate farmtown because it has swallowed my social life. I don't understand why its so addictive, but it is.
omg this sounds like something i would sayy haha. is that a bad thing?? haha
Farmtown ROCKS!!!!!!
nope. this was a guy. my boyfriend, actually. and a sailor, no less. :)
Farm town for life. It's addicting...
only funny b/c its true!
i've set my alarm to get up and have my crops harveseted. then went back to bed.
FARM TOWN FTW!! :) Though as soon as it stops raining I gotta get outside and tend to the garden
lmao. FARM TOWN is bomb.
oh my god me too! today i saw some squares of sod...and thought of farm town.
this sounds like my brother. he lives in the basement and has an orlando area code.
Best one yet. I'm in the same boat.
haha...i ignore my bf to play farm town :) and yes, it is open in another tab as well
...I'd say "Ashley," but she doesn't have a downstairs. We're too addicted to this.
Hell yeah, FARM TOWN!
That is honestly exactly what my GF does. I get ignored over Farm Town.
farm town!!!!!!!!!! is it bad?
Yes lol God yes
wait... did I post this?!
425 Your crops die in the same amount of time that it takes to grow them. So grapes take 4 hours to grow then 4 hours after they are ready they die. :)
Farmtown is a Facebook app
farm town is first thing i check too...
I have Farm Town open in another tab. Lol.
Haha, never played played Farmtown, but Farmville is just as addictive. xDD
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