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  • Lucky for you there are ugly weird looking girls in an American Apparel ad to the right of your text I am already judging quite harshly.

    Submitted by R_Shackleford on Jul 18, 12 at 2:24pm
  • I honestly thought I was the only one to do this. I feel like such a child sometimes. oh well.

    Submitted by SSmackk on Jul 18, 12 at 5:39pm
    • My grandmother lives with, WITH, us but I still sneak out with my friends like a retarded teenager. And I hide my smoking lmao.

      Submitted by GA_Peach on Jul 20, 12 at 2:52am
  • Wow can I be him??

    Submitted by fireman347 on Jul 18, 12 at 3:05pm