I dont get how people could do shot like that. Im the guy and went my wife got pregnant i cleaned up my act. And i wasnt even the one growing a baby. I hope the kids grows up to be president and leaves your ass behind
THC will cross the placenta while preggers. So the child will be getting doses of THC. Whike there are no links to brain damage or physical deformitys from THC. It does slow down higher brain functions. so the child will develop at a slower rate....thanks for helping us not legalized Mary Jane ass clown.
Actually, there hasn't been a proven correlation between smoking pot during pregnancy and mental or physical defects of the child of any sort, nor is their any evidence suggesting this is the case. Nonetheless, it's better off to not do any sort of drugs while pregnant.
the only thing that will be amazing is if this kid isn't retarded. but then again it will be carrying your genes so I agree with the investment of a helmet
@ReesesPoofs... Yes there aren't studies correlating the effects of birth defects caused by cannabis in any form but let's try to remember that it is, in essence, a depressant. It suppresses brain and bodily function in a time where the female is SUPPOSED to be in a state of tension so despite not having a 'study' any idiot could see its not a good idea.
At a time when a baby's quick growth rate and development rely on raging brain activity and a fast fetal heart rate, a depressant like THC is obviously not doing anything to help a fetus grow properly. It's a shame people like you aren't sterile, go to hell,
Smoking marijuana during pregnancy may affect your baby's growth and the development of his nervous system. Studies have shown that children who were exposed to marijuana during pregnancy sometimes have problems focusing their attention and solving problems.
I think eating one magical Baked good is relatively minute in comparison to the misconception "one glass of red wine is okay" and the FDA regulated prescription drugs mothers-to-be in the states take.. Not to mention the lack of nutritional consideration when stuffing children with ADR food toxins
Just because you can procreate doesnt mean you should. As a teacher and a tax payer thank you for making my job and my tax paying just that little bit harder.
Thirdly how many people do u know smoke/ingest pot as well as alcohol? Have u ever heard of fetal alcohol syndrome?? In case u havnt there is evidence fourty three years old proving that the ingestion of alcohol during pregnancy causes severe mental retardation or death whilest the child is in the womb.
As a new mom, there is no way in the world I would've ever done anything while pregnant. Are you that Pathetic that you can't stop for at least nine months?! You are risking your babys health for a high. people like this disgust me. You don't deserve to be a mom you childish whore.
Actually, ingesting marijuana while pregnant has positives effects on the fetus not negative. There was a 10 yr study done with 1000 women and the children of the mothers who smoke had better grades, less health problems and generally happier kids.
This breaks my heart and makes me incredibly angry. I just lost a baby in a planned pregnancy and I'm willing to bet this girl's pregnancy was unwanted.
I hope they take that poor child away from you! My fiancée teaches special education, pot during pregnancy is being link to the development of conditions like ADD and ADHD.
If anyone could read this text properly, OP is obviously speaking of future events: as in "I am so going to..." I am guessing this is some stupid and high college kid who will end up growing up, maturing, and not ingesting marijuana while pregnant. Everyone calm the he'll down
Secondly, take a moment to think about how many honest drug dealers there are in the world? Who's to say that the pot used isn't laced with something further that could cause even more severe problems for the child like retardation.
You guys should do a little research before you talk shit. There are only two places doing research on marijuana and pregnancy. Both have found marijuana to be a safer alternative to the currently prescribed nausea medication. The only problem being that edibles are safer than smoking but doesn't have the fast relief needed when nnausuas.
Take a few to think this through. It has been clinically proven that introducing thc into the fetus's bloodstream slows growth and neurological development. It also increases the risk of childhood leukemia.
God you people are seriously idiotic! Doctors would not tell pregnant women to smoke marijuana if it was dangerous! Marijuana helps to ease so many ailments, there are articles and studies to prove this. And guess what the studies that say marijuana is bad for are government funded.
There sure are a whole lot of ignorant assumptions here. No evidence of birth defects, or harmful effects. People have been drinking and smoking during pregnancy for thousands of years. It doesn't make those things good, but it's not going to make every baby have defects. And a correlation between ADD and pot during pregnancy is not causation. I bet there's a correlation between pot smokers and people who don't raise their kids to have an attention span. Doesn't mean smoking pregn
wow you sound like another ignorant ass who thinks that smoking pot or eating sweets cooked w/pot has no harmful affects...bottom line that chick is a worthless piece of shit,who desereves to have the poor defenseless child taken away from her!!
And for all you morons that argue that there is no evidence of it hurting anyone. Fxck you! Why risk an innocent helpless baby's life for the sake of getting high. You're all pathetic losers with no consideration for anything or anyone but yourself.
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