Mistake of the day: loudly discussing my gay hookups on the phone at the dmv in upstate NY... this must be what leprosy feels like
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Unless your finger fell off at the DMV I'm thinking no, that is not what leprosy feels like.
I can't say I've heard anyone talking about their hook-ups in the DMV, so that fact that it was same sex hook-ups seems irrelevant. Get over yourself and stop acting like a victim.
Why would you discuss ANY hookups at the DMV? G@y or straight seems irrelevant. This was just trashy and dumb.
@mactastic. no OP accidently said leprosy. i think they meant aids
Anyone follow you into the parking lot?
Creating awkwardness. FIRED!
Westchester =/= upstate.
Yea gross
No, it's what aids feels like
AIDs is for g@y people? You sir are a idiot
when Jesus cured the lepers all I can imagine is piccolo regenerating limbs
I love you for the DBZ reference! (Im a chick, btw)
Shh it's OK gemma makes love to both men and women
fly your freak flag ... they can all piss off!
No. Biggest mistske of the day was being a faggg
Methinks thou dost protest too much.
Wow, homophobe? Mean.
AIDs is cancer for g@y people
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