Warning? It's a total win when a guy isn't cut. As a girl, I think it feels sooooo much better!!! It's also much more fun to tease and play with during foreplay. Just don't be too aggressive. I wish there were more men that have been left intact.
Thank you! It is so refreshing to hear a woman say she prefers a natural penis, because that is exactly what it is, natural. I'm uncircumcised, and proud of it.
At brittyandian. I always find it funny when people say it looks like whatever so I wouldn't touch it. You know what it really looks like? A natural, unmodified example of the male genitalia.
On a side note, I'd like to see women grow their bush in again. Shaved and landing strips are nice and all, but it's getting old. A neat, well maintained bush is really sexy. We need to make some societal changes, stop circumcising and bring the bush back in style.
Submitted by
on Nov 23, 11 at 10:32am
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