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  • With her, or her roommate?

    Submitted by sofaking_epic on Mar 17, 11 at 11:45am
  • Way to go bro, you're the booty call. Go back in 30mins. you may be surprised hahaha

    Submitted by Assassin3030 on Mar 17, 11 at 3:04pm
  • Roomie means she wouldn't let her dog fuck you and get rid of you. What is to love?

    Submitted by bartholomeow on Mar 18, 11 at 12:59am
  • Lol nice!

    Submitted by outdrinksyou on Mar 17, 11 at 11:46am
  • The feminists on here will congratulate her, which is confusing because really women who do this only stoop to the level of every male with commitment issues out there...

    Submitted by Taipan on Mar 17, 11 at 3:47pm