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  • Im pretty sure you wouldn't have to explain anything most people understand the concept of rug burns

    Submitted by jessjess1559 on Mar 17, 11 at 10:26am
  • Where else do you have rug burns?

    Submitted by gr33nman on Mar 17, 11 at 11:17am
  • Is your doctor a priest?

    Submitted by dadx2 on Mar 17, 11 at 10:10am
  • My girlfriend had to explain them on her elbows and knees akward much?

    Submitted by stonet69420 on Mar 17, 11 at 10:16pm
  • At least she won't have to explain the carpet burns on her boyfriends face...

    Submitted by vanillafayce on Mar 19, 11 at 10:28am
  • Then have sex in a bed...right...?

    Submitted by colan08 on Mar 17, 11 at 11:17am
    • the constant squeak gets annoying :(

      Submitted by RyanM on Mar 18, 11 at 2:34am
  • He doesn't need an explanation.

    Submitted by manlaw6 on Mar 17, 11 at 1:04pm