Actually, many of the brothels in Amaterdam are well run. A number of them require their prostitutes to get tested frequently.
If you want to visit a place like that, you'll need more than $75. Otherwise, enjoy your STDs.
Actually, prostitution is legal in the Netherlands, and all prostitutes are legally required to get tested regularly, and use a condom for all genital contact.
They actually don't have to get tested regularly, but they'd do anything in their power not to get an STD because that's their JOB. They wouldn't risk unemployment.
The chances to get STDs from a hooker are lower than to get it from your random college whore. The hooker gets tested every months, the whore never. And whore are much more into bareback, so you better start thinking before banging around.
So women who decide to have a sex life are whores, but you see no problem with frequenting brothels? I hope you never get laid by the women you're denigrating.
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