So men are pimps cuz they're spreading their seed around, while girls are sluts cuz they're unnecessarily taking in a lot of seed that's impossible to use for reproductive purposes. A man can impregnate 3 different girls with 3 different kids, but one woman can't be impregnated by 3 different guys with 3 different kids.
Wow go to a free health clinic or get on birth control. Since ur having sex and not on birth control, u shouldn't be having sex. Watch u get pregnant from this shit. It doesn't work all the time ya know
11:25, apparently you have not had to get plan b from Planned Parenthood, or else maybe they operate differently in different states, but plan b actually costs $50 at Planned Parenthood and I believe it costs something like $25 for regular birth control their as well...
During sex a girl is giving consent to be violated, while a man is getting the consent to violate the girl. So the guy is considered cool, like "man, u got all those girls to consent?", while for a girl it's like "wow, u consented to all those guys violating u?".
Sex is always up to the girl and her decision to give the consent. Then look at the woman's role historically, strictly reproduction and nurturing. Even religiously some men have 7 wives, but you'll never see a woman with 7 husbands.
Oh, I get it! Plan B is usually embarassing and expensive to buy, so since she uses it a lot, she thinks it would be better if it was cheaper and more private!
Hi I wrote this! I mean it's embarassing to go to walgreens in front of everyone and ask for it. eBay you buy it at home. Assholes. Ps I'm not a slut. Go fuck yaselves.
#1 they do make women condoms.
#2 you could just have self control and not have intercourse while ovulating.
#3 if you were actually having sex with someone you care to be the father, he could go to walgreens and help about his baby too
Where I live, plan B is $30 at Planned Parenthood and they do take a copy of your license but information is confidential so no one ELSE will know. From what I see, no matter where you live, it's cheaper there than it is at walgreens or something. However, it is available over the counter, I don't know who or why they think it isn't. But, I am curious, can someone elaborate on the fact that if you take it, you are less likely to have a successful pregnancy later?
You're the fuckin cunt 11:41, maybe you should go back to kindergarten and learn about the birds and the bees...remember the whole boys have a penis, girls have a vagina thing...yeah I can't wear a condom since I don't have a penis-hence I would take plan b! My boyfriend on the other hand can and did wear a condom, but it broke
Morning after pill is the greatest invention ever. Should be able to buy it over the counter everywhere unless you already get it for free at high school
Please... anyone who is wanting to get plan b on ebay likely has to use it numerous times. Which is fine by me because every time they do it lowers their chances of having a successful pregnancy later in life.
If you don't want to get pregnant then take birth control, get the shot, get the implant use a fucking condom at the very least. This isn't the 18th century.
Bcuz the girl has sex it makes her a whore? What about the guy who fucked her? He isn't a whore too? Oh, of course not.. He is a "playa".
Double standards.
Well since the new legislation passed in 2007, you should be able to get the morning after pill (plan b) without a prescription from any pharmacy now and you don't have to show an ID or anything so you can remain anonymous...but it costs $50
12:56 I hope that's not true. If plan b was OTC do u have any idea how many girls would use it like regular birth control? A lot already do. It's way safer to keep it behind the counter and sold from a pharmacy
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