to those who thought it was about coke. STOP DOING DRUGS YOUR RETARDED. coke whores and coke heads are super unattractive and deveated septums are not sexy.
8:34 here. Im a close minded douchbag because i dont find coke heads attractive? wow.... ill start opening my mind to drug addicts. thank you for that lesson. go fuck yourself how about that?
You're* ya fucktards! Why is it so difficult to differentiate between your and you're?!?!?! No wonder the English say us Americans botch the English language...oy.
LOL 1:38... At the ripe age of 25, I'm much too old/ too young for either lines at the moment. I think both lines are best ingested when too young to know better, or too old to give a shit.
Where r all these lines cuz I've been in Boston for a month and have yet to find any. Also, coke is the drug of clubbing, working, and overall smart people. So if you've tried it MORE THAN ONCE and don't like it that's ok not everyones meant to be at that speed but if u haven't tried it then STFU you don't know what your talking about there's a reason it's more expensive than weed (it's better)
East Coast White Unity is in Boston (Google it!) But we don't approve of drugs or people who buy/sell them. That sh!t if for weak people... and minorities.
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