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  • This is frickin AWESOME lmfao.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jul 18, 09 at 2:55am
  • my degenerate neighbor keeps trying to relate to me with his lecherous stories...I know what you mean. I feel like an old fart because I don't want to get drunk with this loser.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jul 18, 09 at 2:16am
  • I got my lab at 5 weeks old and shes a very healthy dog. the mother stopped feeding them so they were weened really was a litter of 14. she is 6 months old and 45lbs so even if a puppy is weened early it can still be very healthy. But ideally they should be with their mom until 6 weeks.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jul 18, 09 at 3:09am
    • its not necessarily about physical health, if the mom weaned them naturally that early then that's fine but lots of people purposely take them away earlier so they can sell them sooner, making more money. puppies are supposed to stay with their mothers until they are 8 weeks old (whether they are still feeding or not)for socialization purposes so that they learn how to actually be a dog before they are taken away and raised by themselves, it helps prevent unnecessary behavior issues when they a

      Submitted by Sarah27 on May 4, 10 at 2:44pm
  • 11:33 I hope you realize they were just trying to get a reaction out of you

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jul 20, 09 at 4:13pm
  • who the fuck gave you a dog that is only 5 weeks old! That dog should still be with the mother for at least another 3-4 weeks!

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jul 18, 09 at 2:57am
  • 1115 must be a knuckle dragging ape. why do u like spooks so much?

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jul 18, 09 at 11:16am
  • hey guys the writer of this never said they didn't own the dogs mother as well .. who knows if they do or not but juts saying

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jul 18, 09 at 3:18am
  • looks like it's time to find some new friends then

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jul 18, 09 at 4:14am
  • i'm 11:15. work in upstate ny in an agency that helps homeless, DV victims, welfare clients, etc. i'm a 45yr old white woman who will not judge people based on race, background sexual orientation, etc. only on attitudes like 11:16. and i am sure there must be something good inside of you as well as hard as you try to hide it. (:D

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jul 18, 09 at 11:33am
  • 3:09, nobody fuckin cares about your stupid dog, go away. funny text tho!

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jul 18, 09 at 3:58am
  • 11:04 is an asshole that needs to be shot

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jul 18, 09 at 11:15am
  • i love u 11:33. i dont hate nigs, i just get a kick out of it.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jul 18, 09 at 12:27pm
  • at least your dog's puke doesn't end up in your parents the puke of my friends =/ hahaha good night.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jul 18, 09 at 3:26am
  • LMAO! That's hysterical! wow...

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jul 20, 09 at 2:12pm
  • i just cant begin to describe my hatred from them coons.. i own 7 slaves.. men and women. and i intercourse the women, and i make the men work 22 hours out of the day.. god do i hate those knuckle draggin apes

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jul 18, 09 at 11:04am
  • you're all missing that this was was pretty fucking insightful. unusual for this site. haha (:D

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jul 18, 09 at 11:13am
  • me and your dog should hang out.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jul 18, 09 at 2:06am