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  • Just don't complain when you can't pronounce the safe word...

    Submitted by epsilon022 on Feb 10, 13 at 11:57am
  • BDSM Capitol of the world.

    Submitted by okieraider71 on Feb 10, 13 at 12:08pm
  • They have gas chambers to if your into that

    Submitted by drake75 on Feb 10, 13 at 1:47pm
    • *too. but besides of that: hiroshima and nagasaki. proud?

      Submitted by polacke on Feb 11, 13 at 10:58am
      • That creates an "ends/means" discussion. I will say it effectively ended the war.

        Submitted by Fattness84 on Feb 11, 13 at 5:49pm
        • Oh, and the death tolls were far less. it was not attempted genocide. Beyond that, it was not provocative we were provoked.

          Submitted by Fattness84 on Feb 11, 13 at 5:52pm