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  • No one wants that security deposit back!

    Submitted by boogerbutt on Oct 23, 12 at 5:47pm
  • It's cool that England lets you lease hookers. I honestly thought you could only do that in Amsterdam.

    Submitted by Binders_of_Women on Oct 23, 12 at 6:25pm
    • Actually the U.S. is somewhat unusual among Western countries in nearly completely outlawing all forms of prostitution. (Nevada's licensed brothels being the sole exception, and from 1980-2009 indoor prostitution was legal in Rhode Island.) Some Scandinavian countries don't criminalize *selling* sex but they make it illegal to *buy* it, targeting the demand side of the transaction.

      Submitted by GetOffMyLawn on Oct 23, 12 at 6:55pm
  • Not true..... everyone has a price when it comes to that kind of rental....

    Submitted by notsodiva on Oct 23, 12 at 4:34pm
  • Maybe he will sub lease you out!!!

    Submitted by Beachbum111 on Oct 23, 12 at 7:32pm
  • Just proves the prostitutes are the most honest women you will find. They state their prices up front and deliver as stated.

    Submitted by cfreymarc on Oct 23, 12 at 8:54pm
  • As your landlord you'll do what I say!

    Submitted by drunksms2u on Oct 23, 12 at 11:52pm
  • Do you come with all mod cons? (And I don't mean the album by The Jam.)

    Submitted by GetOffMyLawn on Oct 23, 12 at 6:56pm