I still don't get why you've went troll in amongst the trolls, but dude seriously stop typing. Banter back and forth is funny but this shit you're doing is not only sad but boring.
May 23rd eve. End of extremely difficult travel and family funeral I came to TFLN. I was laughing so hard I was covering my face. I love the regulars. And not so regulars who are all hysterical. This new shit is really getting old. Peach? Really? you talk about this site? In your life? I have medical issues. But I don't discuss strategy on TFLN, today, for tomorrow, on email. Come on.
To each their own, I got tired of the anonymity and the last week doesn't count. I had to defend myself. All I wanted was to put out a private email to further chat with the wonderfully witty and sarcastic people on here who wanted to chat. Then trolls moved in.
@HippyChick: A hippy (ie)? Really? A judgmental hippie then. I guess it's not the philosophy of it all for you; it's just calling yourself a "hippie" to be cool. Poser.
Damn peach.. You must love patrolling TFLN; consistently posting bitchy comments, complaining of being bullied ALL THE WHILE, you YOURSELF bullied others way before anyone told you to shut the fuck up. You need to take a god damn step away from the Internet for a minute and rethink your life purpose.
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