Maybe it's geeky. To some, it may be lame. But does it really matter what you make your drinking game out of, as long as everyone wins? I don't think so... I'd definitely like to play this one.
the way i play is that you choose a character, and just watch the epic battles, preferably helms deep, and whenever that character kills someone, you drink. and drink for the entire time gimli blows the horn, and when gandolf is owning the orcs
the way I introduced it to my fraternity was
1. procure a large amount of beer, like a keg.
2. pick any of the LOTR movies
3. drink anytime a character's name is said
4. drink anytime something is killed on screen. (Note the actual death needs to be seen, if its a sword getting swung and then it cuts away, you don't have to drink.)
be wary if you pick the Two Towers or Return of the King, the battle scenes require waterfalling and often result in passing out.
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