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  • Smile and say "bukkake"!

    Submitted by GetOffMyLawn on Jun 17, 12 at 3:14pm
  • Beware the squirrels.

    Submitted by Valkyrie on Jun 17, 12 at 10:44pm
  • What a stupid whore. She must be very proud.

    Submitted by gopackgo4 on Jun 17, 12 at 2:14pm
    • Wtf...u don'have to judge every one....she could be a guy too or a trans....

      Submitted by funkjunk on Jun 17, 12 at 6:57pm
    • You self-important, judgmental, twat-wart. If you don't LIKE the kind of people that post on this sight/app, then go back to your churches website and stop reading the posts here. Not every person that gets jizz in their hair is a filthy, cum-drenched Jezebel...just your Mom is.

      Submitted by SnidelyKWhiplash on Jun 18, 12 at 5:27pm