I'm tired and starving, and I'm pretty sure I just cost the company 33,000 dollars...fuck you and you're "you'll love going to work high" nonsense.
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You know, this *almost* makes drug testing look like a good idea. *Almost*.
You're doing it wrong.
odd, my dude goes into work baked and manages to pull both the "best manager" and "best run store in the country" awards in one year.
*You're probably the only person to use "you're" wrong on TFLN.
hey now that you're unemployed you have all the time in the world to get high
I snuck some alcohol in to work last night... In my stomach
I read that website, too.
Keep it classy Orlando
Totally doin it wrong.\n\nHow the hell did you cost $33000?\n\nMan some people just can't hang.
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