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  • Even worse if it's a police chalk outline.

    Submitted by porksword on May 24, 12 at 8:30pm
  • Draw Something just got real.

    Submitted by finalflash08 on May 24, 12 at 2:18pm
  • please be happy that's the worst you pass out at our get togethers and everything short of something requiring an ambulance ride is fair game

    Submitted by nunubeest on May 24, 12 at 2:55pm
  • epic. did something like that to my sister, but she was on the lake on one of those banana boat things. she nearly sued me. I am not allowed near sharpies, glue, tools, or paint in any form at family get togethers. :/

    Submitted by anaily92 on May 24, 12 at 10:46pm
    • Wait, you traced your own penis onto your sisters face? I would concur with her rules.

      Submitted by haleyhazard on May 25, 12 at 12:24am
      • I'm a girl. so no I didn't trace my penis because I don't have one. ... her ex traced his on her. my cousins & other siblings drew things on her & pushed her into the lake on the raft.

        Submitted by anaily92 on May 25, 12 at 2:56am
  • College rule #1: Never pass out with your shoes on.

    Submitted by Donotdiscard on May 25, 12 at 9:01pm
  • Holy shit, that's gold.

    Submitted by EatmeTwice on May 24, 12 at 2:08pm
  • At least it wasn't spray stenciled!

    Submitted by cfreymarc on May 24, 12 at 10:11pm
  • *rubs forehead twice* (;

    Submitted by BigZee on May 25, 12 at 1:14pm
  • fake

    Submitted by Tdogbitch on May 24, 12 at 3:52pm
  • the evil part of me is hoping that this is a guy cuz that would make it so much funnier

    Submitted by glider on May 24, 12 at 7:36pm
  • This is totally fake. This was on a picture awhile ago

    Submitted by Llllk on May 24, 12 at 2:50pm
  • Lori Beth Denberg, with Vital Information for you everyday life!

    Submitted by DerKarismatisch on Aug 13, 12 at 10:03pm
  • that is an old one

    Submitted by sweetHOMEalabama on May 25, 12 at 8:47pm
  • in fairness they aren't my parties most of the time but be warned things bordering on sexual assault tend to happen to those that pass out...once woke up on a floaty raft in the pool naked with my whole body drawn on...I was shaved head to toe...there was a periodic table drawn with markers on my freshly shaved crotch with the element shlongium added...I had a party hat on and one of those rolled up kazoo things in my ass...someone made a bunch of arrows pointing to my ass and mouth with suggestions of

    Submitted by nunubeest on May 24, 12 at 10:17pm