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  • This is your wife's pimp, Cleotis.

    Submitted by porksword on Oct 17, 11 at 4:04pm
  • Its from GA Peach. She doesn't care who or what pays attention to her.

    Submitted by fatherfigure on Oct 17, 11 at 2:02pm
    • Is not....I don't put texts on here. They are usually way too out of context. Plus I never go to the ER alone.

      Submitted by GA_Peach on Oct 17, 11 at 4:26pm
    • Yes, yes I know yada yada yada you don't care. You posted it about me jack wad.

      Submitted by GA_Peach on Oct 17, 11 at 4:28pm
    • Really? With that kind of name you are that childish? Grow up. So you don't like her... Put on your big boy pants and deal instead of making stupid unrelated comments.i know you THINK your comments are funny but really they're just sad. Go get laid and maybe then you won't be on here every night being a baby.

      Submitted by imamilf on Oct 17, 11 at 9:42pm
  • Holy. Shit. Hilarious! I've gotten a random text like that before!

    Submitted by ColinD1 on Oct 17, 11 at 12:09pm
  • @ Imamilf. Look at YOUR name. You probably are the only person who'd like to fuck you. Now we have two man-hating cunts.

    Submitted by fatherfigure on Oct 17, 11 at 10:03pm
    • Wow, really? I mean, yeah, "imamilf" is a terrible name, but that's gotta be the worst insult I've ever heard. I hope you realize all the people encouraging your childish displays are just doing it to laugh at you. I'm not thrilled with GA_Peach most of the time either, but I ignore it and get on with my life instead of trying to control someone on the internet. You're just making yourself look like a tool and feeding right into her.

      Submitted by MD86 on Oct 19, 11 at 1:04am
  • @imamilf, pretty sure people don't need you trying to protect them. Gtfo and go back to watching I didn't know I was pregnant with your 20 cats.

    Submitted by bttrdenu on Oct 18, 11 at 9:13pm
    • pretty sure you're doing the same thing now.

      Submitted by MD86 on Oct 19, 11 at 1:05am
  • Brilliant...

    Submitted by Cidou on Oct 17, 11 at 1:43pm
  • that would suck so much ass

    Submitted by Dslater90 on Oct 17, 11 at 1:10pm