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  • Music in the background doesn't entirely qualify as 'complete silence'...

    Submitted by h3li0 on Sep 28, 11 at 2:16pm
  • For the people who say they got snacks for their trip - who the hell wants to eat when they're on acid?? Sounds more like being high...

    Submitted by withheld on Sep 28, 11 at 3:07pm
  • I once tried to make meatball subs while tripping. bad idea. it looked like boiling brains. I forced myself to eat it tho. 2 days of straight tripping, you gotta eat.

    Submitted by wiitanen_s on Sep 28, 11 at 11:45pm
  • I built a chair of pillows and gathered all manner of snacks around me for mine. Then just sat there watching late night cartoons/infomercials. Never laughed so hard in my life.

    Submitted by peckingowl on Sep 28, 11 at 2:46pm
  • Dubstep and strobe lights

    Submitted by special_k24 on Sep 29, 11 at 8:19am
  • Don't forget about the acid.

    Submitted by Pancakefield on Sep 28, 11 at 9:25pm