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  • quarters as in money or quarter as in weight? :O

    Submitted by Anonymous on May 25, 09 at 5:01pm
  • i don't blame him. i'm in service industry, and if someone tries to pay me in change i'm ready to kick their head off.

    Submitted by Anonymous on May 24, 09 at 8:31pm
  • im assuming we're not talking money here....

    Submitted by Anonymous on May 23, 09 at 11:16pm
  • cab drivers have to take quarters for payment a quarter is legal tender if you had a $50 cab fare and wanted to pay in pennies the cabbie is legally required to take it if a cab driver ever tells you that again tell him you are calling the police and see what he thinks about your quarters then

    Submitted by Anonymous on May 23, 09 at 8:42pm
  • tryed to pay in nickles at a tollbooth, they get REALLY bitchy about THAT as well :D

    Submitted by Anonymous on May 24, 09 at 10:47am
  • i think this was my friend from last night...

    Submitted by Anonymous on May 27, 09 at 3:19am
  • tried to give pennies once. it was bad. he nearly killed us.

    Submitted by Anonymous on May 24, 09 at 1:51am
  • hey, i was a cabbie and i would take quarters. money is money and sometimes that's all they had. who am i to judge? and i don't mind when people pay in change. except i have to count it, people are too sloooooooooow

    Submitted by miss_lauren on May 4, 11 at 6:09pm