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  • Maybe I get a Handy J maybe someone draws a dick on my cheek, and anything in between.

    Submitted by EMTPirate on May 13, 11 at 2:00pm
  • I've done this... I usually get a visit from super hot chick, that I've made up...

    Submitted by BOOSHandorKAKOW on May 17, 11 at 7:47am
  • im guessing the night ends with you drunk, naked, alone and crying in that chair.

    Submitted by duckdown on May 13, 11 at 3:49pm
  • I'm torn between saying "giggity" or "is the chair a beanbag and are you eating cheetos?" Depends on circumstances.

    Submitted by MAATT_DAAAMON on May 14, 11 at 4:15am
  • I wish I could get a follow up to this. I wanna know what happened.

    Submitted by papacam on May 14, 11 at 12:31pm
  • Well, shit does happen

    Submitted by OtherSideOfStory on May 13, 11 at 6:48pm
  • 1) Hot Naked Girl in a chair at a party, gang bang. 2) Fat Naked Girl in a chair at a party, you have drinks thrown at you.

    Submitted by cfreymarc on May 13, 11 at 11:36pm
  • that could end bad...

    Submitted by Jenny54403 on May 13, 11 at 11:55am
  • first first ever

    Submitted by xim on May 13, 11 at 10:50am