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  • I understand your pain. Definitely had this happen before

    Submitted by mossDISmossDAT on Mar 29, 11 at 5:05pm
  • Yea but it's all good, what's college for

    Submitted by imstiillbetter on Mar 30, 11 at 2:32am
  • sounds like cinco de mayo freshmen year.. woke up leaning against my door with only a sombrero and a boner at 4am. i can feel your pain dude

    Submitted by FuckWhatYouKnow on Mar 30, 11 at 12:19am
  • stay classy SU.

    Submitted by jerm69anl on Mar 29, 11 at 7:56pm
  • I've woken up in my dorm room only to find out I knocked on my door at 3am to have my roommate answer, when she didn't I apparently thought I lost my keys so I had to PAY for a key keys were in my hand. This is the definition of Tuesday Boozeday.

    Submitted by foxyfoxy65 on Apr 4, 11 at 9:08pm
  • When you wake up in a fifth floor janitor's closet while waiting for your room to be open, then you will understand his pain.

    Submitted by stayclassyphx on Mar 30, 11 at 6:06am