Thank you, tfln, for a chuckle-worthy text that's not about alcohol/coke binges or heavily promiscuous college kiddies. Can we make this more of a regular occurrence?
I HATE YOU TAIPAN!! YOU ARE ALWAYS SUCH A F*CKING DOWNER!!! this is called texts from last night for a reason! if you don't want to see texts about alcohol/coke binges and heavily promiscuous college "kiddies" why don't you go to a website more suitable to your interests like effing!!!!
Submitted by
on Dec 21, 10 at 10:43pm
Omg. Why are people like taipan on this site? I bought re app cause this kind of shit makes me smile, and he bought it because... What? He likes to troll? He's 60 and want to warn "those. Darned hooligans these days" about drugs/sex/alcohol? This text is funny, but no more funny than the others. Gtfo if you are gonna be a buzzkill ya jerkoff.
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