The foreigner finally woke up and the first thing he did was look up a map of the u.s. His destination is to pennsylvania.
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Oh Fez, you and your silly antics.
@seriouslystfu: that is the worst post I have EVER seen. you should be banned from tfln..
I live in PA he has good taste (:
@kev: I think secret meant "lancaster's"
No one's destination is "to" anyplace. @secretlysly: it is not "Lancasters" if you loved it you would know that.
No, he meant Pennsylvania Avenue, we were getting worried were Barack had gotten to. He probably just blacked out playing golf.... again.
Oh. I get it. A birther joke. Very funny. Tell me, is the earth still flat? Did we ever land on the moon? Is Elvis really still alive? Just wondering what other conspiracies you believe in.
This is so pointless... How did the mods let this pass?
And he's from jersey
I'm in love with Lancasters way of thinking.
Why the hell would he want to go there
Hahaha I'm so sorry. Why did you feel the need to correct me on my comment? Is it that big of a deal?
"Lancaster's" does make more sense. :)
Pennsylvania fucking sucks
FIRST :) this is lame btdubs.
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