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  • Fuck, would have been nice to have @ my college!

    Submitted by potlover on Aug 27, 10 at 1:30pm
  • Saw it too - good ol u of a!

    Submitted by fergieferg on Aug 27, 10 at 12:20pm
  • Pahahaha

    Submitted by paris101 on Aug 28, 10 at 2:14am
  • Drunk Engineering Majors...the key to the future.

    Submitted by That_guy13 on Aug 28, 10 at 4:48pm
  • lmao i love it. im so proud to say ive seen this with my own eyes! Go Hogs!

    Submitted by rmbtrumpet on Aug 28, 10 at 12:10am
  • How does one motorize a bathtub?

    Submitted by aspenrose on Aug 27, 10 at 1:38pm
  • Dude in the motorized bathtub would NOT let me cross the street. He kept revving his bathtub when I stepped out on the pavement. Hahah I love Fayetteville.

    Submitted by onefish on Aug 27, 10 at 5:37pm
  • Gotta love the university of Arkansas!!!

    Submitted by kej004 on Aug 27, 10 at 1:25pm
  • God Bless the University of Arkansas. I saw that and laughed

    Submitted by RazorbackTy1991 on Aug 30, 10 at 3:59pm
  • Ha Ha. Gotta love the inbreds in nwa. Please leave the state and join Oklahoma. The whole state of Arkansas would improve with your leaving.

    Submitted by cwelkman on Oct 24, 10 at 1:20pm
  • Haha oh yes I seen it too! Lol

    Submitted by footballstar on Aug 28, 10 at 12:37pm
  • What I want to know is why the side of his bathtub said something about koolaide lol

    Submitted by Anonymous on Aug 28, 10 at 3:53am
    • Because he was giving free Kool-aid out of the faucet, didn't you see?! It was badass!

      Submitted by Michelle479 on Sep 11, 10 at 4:56pm
  • If you think that's impressive, you should see this motorized penis I bought.

    Submitted by SextsFLN on Aug 27, 10 at 11:26am
  • @SextsFLN hahahaha.

    Submitted by whoremonesx3 on Aug 27, 10 at 12:14pm
  • Woooo Pig Soooiieee!

    Submitted by MOhead34 on Aug 28, 10 at 10:31am
  • Bill Brasky was a two ton man-mountain who could palm a medicine ball!

    Submitted by ImKeithStone on Aug 27, 10 at 12:27pm