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  • wish I had a girl like that

    Submitted by jac5617 on Jul 29, 10 at 7:21pm
  • at least he didn't spin around and start dropping logs between your legs... did I cross a line?

    Submitted by MrSlapChop on Jul 29, 10 at 9:59pm
  • No, that's alcohol.

    Submitted by anonymousttt on Jul 29, 10 at 8:53pm
  • Rule: There is no love present in a situation that involves alcohol. The only love was before you got drunk and that was between you and Bud. (feelin better.)

    Submitted by TheRuleBook on Jul 29, 10 at 8:27pm
  • It's funny because he could have missed.

    Submitted by legonut4 on Jul 29, 10 at 7:15pm
  • Good call rule book, however alcohol generally amplifies present feelings.

    Submitted by Mastermise on Jul 29, 10 at 9:13pm
  • Ahahaha I've done that. While I was sober.

    Submitted by danielleeycakes on Jul 30, 10 at 12:31am
  • That's ok but true love is sitting on his lap with your tongue down his throat while he takes a nasty shit.

    Submitted by kcs99 on Aug 1, 10 at 2:21am
  • this is the first so drunk text that doesnt suck. girls like this almost make me not be a manwhore

    Submitted by ilovewhores on Jul 30, 10 at 12:15am
  • Haha me and my boyfriend did that sober!

    Submitted by jcopzzz on Jul 29, 10 at 9:11pm
  • It's only love if u cross streams lol

    Submitted by rappersdelight on Jul 30, 10 at 6:27am
  • aaaah I did that sober

    Submitted by dkfjeoi on Jul 31, 10 at 4:55am
  • Been there, done that!

    Submitted by I_Hit_Girls_ on Jul 30, 10 at 11:34am
  • Sounds like the greatest kind of love

    Submitted by beef69 on Jul 29, 10 at 8:07pm
  • That's just the precursor to a golden shower.

    Submitted by igivesoundadvice on Jul 31, 10 at 5:52pm
  • No, that's nasty,

    Submitted by Chuck_Bass_FTW on Jul 30, 10 at 7:55am
  • Can you piss between my legs?

    Submitted by icanfly303 on Jul 29, 10 at 9:04pm
  • MrSlapChop... Yes. Yes you did. 0_o

    Submitted by Samia on Jul 30, 10 at 1:35am
  • Aim for the face for a photo finish!

    Submitted by planks on Dec 23, 10 at 11:54pm
  • That may not be LoVe but what a way to multitask. Glad you're better RuLe!

    Submitted by TiCkLe_Me_EmO on Jul 29, 10 at 8:52pm
  • That's not love, that's just plain odd.

    Submitted by StoryOfARory on Jul 30, 10 at 1:49am
  • Did u get to taste it

    Submitted by ldog on Jul 29, 10 at 8:01pm
  • That is just foul- not love. What a classy LADY you are. He's a LUCKY guy- what a keeper!

    Submitted by mintyshake on Jul 29, 10 at 7:32pm
  • That's crossfiring!

    Submitted by YaNextGF on Jul 30, 10 at 6:50pm
  • That's hot, fun, dangerous and "green". Think about it.

    Submitted by Chet on Jul 30, 10 at 9:28am
  • thats not love its just wierd

    Submitted by haha1 on Jul 29, 10 at 7:59pm
  • Houston!!

    Submitted by haylee on Jul 30, 10 at 8:25pm
  • First

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jul 29, 10 at 7:14pm
  • Reminds me of me and my ex-wife!On her 21st b-day we went to a comedy club.All was great till we got home.She was standing about 10 feet from our master bathroom and the door was closed.She spewed from one side of the room to the bathroom door.I took care of her till I had to take a piss.Even in her drunken stupor,she still scooted back so I could do my thing.\nWe are now divorced but are still close friends.We never tell that story to anyone,but it is something that made us closer together.

    Submitted by aerosfan on Sep 19, 10 at 6:37am
  • today, i read a story about someone exploding a grape in their microwave. my dad taught me how to do that (a coworker showed him how, my dad works at Nasa); cut a grape in quarters, take two of them, pat them dry, and put them next to each other on a folded paper towel. put the paper towel in the microwave and PUT A GLASS JAR OVER IT (this thing makes FIREBALLS) and microwave it for one minute; it will spark, and fireballs will hover at the top for a few seconds. :D if nothing happens, the

    Submitted by PurpMcGurp on Jul 29, 10 at 7:32pm
  • Uhhh... Eww and... What and... Ugh (shudders)

    Submitted by prometheus on Jul 29, 10 at 7:19pm
  • If he made the shot I don't think he was as drunck as you think

    Submitted by kgirl1992 on Apr 5, 12 at 3:45pm
  • I did that too. It's awesome

    Submitted by woodstock25 on Jul 30, 10 at 1:58pm
  • I can't think of a better way to end a\nrelationship. If any partner of mine, including my husband, did that to me, I'd end that relationship immediately.

    Submitted by yewinnhard on Feb 29, 12 at 7:21am
  • I was so drunk one night I made out with my ex while she was peeing in the toilet.

    Submitted by jonyco5 on Jul 19, 11 at 3:42pm