we made malted milkshakes. malt as in malt liqour.
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Also known as syrup of ipecac substitute.
Please share minty
Curdled milkshakes, how delicious...
I make irish cream shakes... No pretzels needed. Homemade irish cream too.
I have a recipe for milkshakes made w scotch-boozy blondies- they're num!!!!
What's Wrong With That?
No, it's just lazy and ignorant. It's not hard to learn to spell. Unless you're 4, then you're excused.
Two quarts softened van ice cream,one cup malted milk powder (ovaltine), 2/3 c scotch. Blend together and pour into glasses
I fink it's sweet to misspell wurds and piss off all u grammer correcting Internet fucks
That's definitely Scotch abuse. Shame on you
How old are you to have to differentiate that it's malt liquour, and also spell it wrong.
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