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  • I hate that I can only thumbs this up once

    Submitted by XLSuperman on Jul 6, 10 at 8:45pm
  • Everyone who hates America can go suck a huge cock. Go ahead and insult me for saying that. Say that it makes me fat or uneducated, or whatever else baloot and grizzlycat want to say... I'm just tired of other countries talking shit about us, while we're just supposed to apologize and take it. I'll say it right now, I love this country. I apologize for nothing, because I have done nothing wrong. In summation- America! Fuck yeah!!

    Submitted by CrotchWeasel on Jul 6, 10 at 10:53pm
    • God hello I'm the point, you missed me. Nobody is saying you should be patriotic, fuck I really love my country even thou it's done some fucked up things... all we're saying is you guys need to acknoledge that you can love your country but at the same try admin that it's not the best country in the world (not per any parameters that actually matter like- Education, Economy, Health, Technology,Government... I'll give you military and basketball, k?). You haven't proven yo

      Submitted by baloot on Jul 6, 10 at 11:09pm
  • Im fucking proud to be an American because my great grandparents didn't leave Italy and Germany just for kicks. Im a Republican so I dont like Obama, but I still love my country. Im so sick of other countries saying shit about us considering half of those countries owe their survival tp us

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jul 6, 10 at 11:02pm
    • Oh god you need some cheese to go with that whine?\nFine you're country is great, love it to bits, but as long as most of your country continues to be uneducated red necks you're heading for a serious reality check. Listen i love America, I do, I lived in NY for 5 years and only when I left America I understood the brain wash you go thru. The flags everywhere, the pledge of whatnot all students have to say every morning... it's all part of the way they got you to re-elect possibly the dumbe

      Submitted by baloot on Jul 6, 10 at 11:14pm
      • All I'm saying is try to consider the fact that you are not the only great country in the world. Open your mind up to new experiences, new places, new people, preferably from countries not directly north or south of you. I think you'll find it enlightening to say the list... Stop listening to what "they" told you from day 1 and start thinking for yourselves! Open your mind up to other opinions, learn the facts, educate yourself and then make your mind up. Do it right!

        Submitted by baloot on Jul 6, 10 at 11:23pm
        • I am American, German, and Iranian, I've lived in Germany, and I've visited nearly every country in Europe and several in Africa and Asia, and I can safely say that no other country feels as good as America. Also, most Americans aren't rednecks and I find this offensive... While I do admit there are many problems with this country, I still love it to death and enjoy and appreciate my freedoms everyday. No country is perfect, Europe by-in-large doesn't accept Muslims, Africa is mostl

          Submitted by Moser on Jul 7, 10 at 2:25am
          • ... Africa is mostly dangerous and poor, and I can go on but I have a life... So basically what I'm saying is go fuck yourself

            Submitted by Moser on Jul 7, 10 at 2:27am
            • I feel sorry for you, you've fallen into the American trap, the belief that it's the land of opportunity and that anyone can make it there. I think you've summed things up perfectly with the last two words you've written, America's attitude comes down to a big "fuck you" to the rest of the world. Just try and remember a time when someone basically said "fuck you" to you, how did it make you feel? Did you say to yourself- "Well now that sounds like a leader,

              Submitted by baloot on Jul 7, 10 at 2:54am
            • someone I can respect and trust"? Or did it make u wanna say "fuck you" right back? Well that's so manly of all of you, just say fuck you to each other forever and never solve anything... that'll surly help.

              Submitted by baloot on Jul 7, 10 at 2:56am
  • Awwww, poor GrizzlyCat has a tiny penis.....

    Submitted by CherryPoppa on Jul 6, 10 at 9:41pm
  • If you don't like America then fuck you!!!

    Submitted by slickjohnson on Jul 6, 10 at 9:30pm
    • Well said "slickjohnson", original nickname as well. Well done, clearly you have proven that American Education is second to none.

      Submitted by baloot on Jul 6, 10 at 10:40pm
    • I love Canada and South America, but the Unites Suckers can kiss my A.

      Submitted by GrizzlyCat on Jul 7, 10 at 4:36am
  • Wow. Grizzlycat you are a true idiot. The US is the only remaining superpower, and saying that we aren't even a country is just downright ignorant. You sir are a flaming fat homosexual douche.

    Submitted by dak5432 on Jul 6, 10 at 10:02pm
    • The US is the only remaining superpower? Oh really... just because you people ignore any country that's not Canada or Mexico doesn't mean no other country exists. Dude, check out Asia for a sec, it's that huge continent on the other side of the globe.

      Submitted by baloot on Jul 6, 10 at 10:38pm
      • The US can obliterate any country within a few hours and that country wouldn't be able to stop us, how can you say there is another superpower. China may own all our debt but our armed forces are second to none

        Submitted by Moser on Jul 7, 10 at 2:20am
        • You are in denial, it doesn't take much to destroy a country, a few well placed nukes outta do it...You are not the only nuclear power in the world you know...

          Submitted by baloot on Jul 7, 10 at 2:48am
      • ok asia isnt a country tadaa haha

        Submitted by NiiNJa_SuDD on Jul 15, 10 at 12:00am
    • The only remaining superpower in a hotdog eating contest. You don't even have a real border and you call yourself a country? Did you also cry when Obama was elected?

      Submitted by GrizzlyCat on Jul 7, 10 at 4:45am
    • Honestly, i feel that any country that has a super power...if they shoot those fers a us...we're completely and utterly screwed...just sayn'

      Submitted by isurunner on Jul 9, 10 at 2:10am
  • Where are you from grizzly cat?

    Submitted by clast71 on Jul 6, 10 at 9:53pm
  • As someone who moved to the USA at the age of 14, I can truly say I fucking love this country. Hate Obama and the idiotic direction the government seems to strive for, but there's nowhere else I'd rather live, and I've lived in a lot of places.

    Submitted by buttersnazzy on Jul 6, 10 at 11:36pm
    • I can honestly say that I loved living in the US for the 5 years I lived there as well... it's really easy to fall in love with the US, living is made easy for the most part, convenient stores are very convenient, fast food is fast and tastes good and for the most part you don't have to think too much or work too hard to make a good living. All that is great if you enjoy shutting your brain down for the rest of your life... never looking past your own small world. If that's what you like- t

      Submitted by baloot on Jul 7, 10 at 3:03am
  • Suck a fat one grizzly cat...

    Submitted by clast71 on Jul 6, 10 at 8:57pm
    • fat = american

      Submitted by GrizzlyCat on Jul 6, 10 at 9:11pm
      • So true!...we're the most technologically advanced country, Best doctors in the world and yet we're still not the even in the top 40 countries in average life expectancy...HMMMM wonder why?...

        Submitted by isurunner on Jul 9, 10 at 2:16am
  • Honestly, baloot and grizzlycat have no reason to keep insulting the US. We get it, seriously. Do you two honestly have enough time to respond to each and every post someone says against you all? Hate all you want, but most of us are happy here. USA! USA!

    Submitted by lh1220 on Jul 6, 10 at 11:40pm
    • Yeah I got time, I consider it a freaking mission to reply to all of you. Be happy, wave the flag, did I say you shouldn't? I'm freaking patariotic myself about my country but don't dilude yourselves into believing you are the best country in the world and that you are the only super-power and will stay that way forever. Question the decisions your leaders make and act upon what you believe, not what you are told to believe! That's all I'm saying dude.

      Submitted by baloot on Jul 7, 10 at 3:00am
    • You know what they say about happiness and dumb people?

      Submitted by GrizzlyCat on Jul 7, 10 at 4:50am
  • USA is the best country. All the other countries can take a step back and fuck their own face!

    Submitted by theonetheonly on Jul 7, 10 at 4:38pm
  • @buttersnazzy: thumbs up! @baloot and grizzlycat: stop bashing the US. Nobody has said America is perfect, but we are pretty damn special. Go away.

    Submitted by gtfo_asshats on Jul 7, 10 at 12:02am
    • Special is a good word for it, like special education... you are special.

      Submitted by baloot on Jul 7, 10 at 3:08am
  • If you don't love America then fuck you

    Submitted by mephaskapholies on Jul 6, 10 at 10:46pm
  • Unless this somehow involves water or metal, this is perfectly safe.

    Submitted by marsho on Jul 8, 10 at 7:21pm
  • Instead of writing an essay for everyone on my opinion of the us, im gonna say that i think this text is hilarious. It made me laugh, goood night i'd sayy.

    Submitted by sydneyyyy on Jul 7, 10 at 12:39am
  • I can honestly say, as an educated adult who's family moved to the free United States from communist Cuba, that this is a great country. Baloot you, unlike Grizzlycat, are trying to make sense by calling us brainwashed. Let me tell you that America is the best country imo, while you may have a different opinion, i will still think that America is the best. To say that most Americans are ignorant and close-minded (which you have said many many times) just shows that you buy into ignorant st

    Submitted by eag0127 on Jul 7, 10 at 12:15pm
  • Grizzlycat go to fucking hell your just ficking jeleous because you don't live in the us and if you did I know a few people that would assist me on kicking your foreign ass back to your moms womb.

    Submitted by xXstrangeXx on Jul 6, 10 at 9:05pm
    • you only speak one language and you can't even write a few sentences right? you're a true American.

      Submitted by GrizzlyCat on Jul 6, 10 at 9:13pm
    • your = you're, ficking= fucking, jeleous= jealous, moms= Mom's.\nI mean there's even spell check here! English is my second language and you are why people say Americans are stupid.

      Submitted by baloot on Jul 6, 10 at 10:35pm
      • Yep...because British people NEVER EVER make grammatical mistakes. Ever.

        Submitted by headhunter on Jul 6, 10 at 11:33pm
        • Everybody makes grammatical mistakes but it's that rare "I'm so fucking dumb and proud of it" type of mistakes that bring a smile to one's face.\nBtw, I'm not British but god save the queen.

          Submitted by baloot on Jul 6, 10 at 11:36pm
  • your talking bout when germany beat englamd right? lol

    Submitted by NickSeesAll on Jul 7, 10 at 9:34am
  • Great night!

    Submitted by vetusthefetus on Jul 6, 10 at 8:56pm
  • We are the champions! Btw grizzlycat and baloot stop with the stereotypes some can be helpful but ones like all Americans be fat, uneducated, and rednecks are not true and your making yourself look like retards.

    Submitted by Rees1003 on Jul 8, 10 at 3:42pm
  • Wow baloot. Way to waste so much time for nothing.

    Submitted by HinduSpartan on Jul 7, 10 at 3:58am
  • Why did this turn into a huge fight about whose country is better? Just shut up already, jeez.

    Submitted by uneed2calmdown on Jul 7, 10 at 3:35am
  • I'm an American citizen, born and raised. I will admit I feel lucky to live in a country with so many freedoms. I would much rather live here than in a country with a low supply of food or clean drinking water. However, I think it's complete bullshit to say our country has saved so many other countries with our badass military. I support the troops but war=money and that's all politicians care about. A lot of people from other countries hate us because we can't mind our own business.

    Submitted by memyself on Jul 7, 10 at 9:51am
  • Fuck this I'm not saying that no other country isn't good but we fucking savedeuropes ass twice and are leading the war against terrorism so all of the fucking world can be safe.

    Submitted by bumbuffy46 on Jul 8, 10 at 12:40am
  • Lol bunch of people trying to make Americans less patriotic on tFLN comments. And they saying they're stupid? Hahaha try politics dumbfuck. Not comments on a website

    Submitted by jgrill on Jul 7, 10 at 4:06pm
  • I love how something like this can turn out to be a who's country is dumbest contest. Seriously, Shut the fuck up it's a simple website, not meant for fucking political debates.

    Submitted by unanonymous on Jul 7, 10 at 12:46am
    • Totally dude let's go back to tits and dick jokes... so much easier...

      Submitted by baloot on Jul 7, 10 at 3:24am
      • well, ya. that was one of the biggest reason's that this website started. Truly American, I know, I'm American, but still it's the truth, cause seriously, you came here just to argue with all the dumb American's that you can find?

        Submitted by StripedSweater on Jul 7, 10 at 11:28pm
  • Fuck you in the face grizzlycat. You have a small dick and are freezing your ass off in Denmark. If you don't like America then take it up with our military and our inginiity you mother fucking bitch.

    Submitted by bumbuffy46 on Jul 8, 10 at 12:38am
  • Why is there a bunch of fighting and debating? This site is here to make you laugh not argue over which country is better. That'd why we have the olympics and worldcup to prove who's better. Not a websites that contains texts from drug, sex, whatever addicts and drunks shouldn't be political whatsoever.

    Submitted by awesomesaucechk on Jul 7, 10 at 8:13am
  • Second :)

    Submitted by austinonymouss on Jul 6, 10 at 8:11pm
  • Clearly the best night ever on TFLN.

    Submitted by regalbeagle on Jul 6, 10 at 8:19pm
  • Baloot get a fucking life you loser. You seriously sat here and posted for hours on a texting website, looks like your country has taught you some great things you Internet addicted fuck

    Submitted by darryl405 on Jul 7, 10 at 8:51am
  • Lmao damn they r fucked up!!!

    Submitted by BigRockJr on Jul 7, 10 at 1:12am
  • seriously, who are you to judge America? do you live here? work here? no. just because you spent a few years in the tourist hell hole of NYC doesn't make you a professional on America. a redneck is what you see in small towns, not big cities. \nso why dont YOU get over your pride.

    Submitted by nyx617 on Jul 7, 10 at 12:48am
    • You know what this site is funny and all but it's really funny cause we're laughting at these people, not with them. At the end of the day nobody wants a wife who says some of the whorish statements that get posted here, not to mention nobody wants a daughter like that. So take a good look in the mirror cause that's the generation you are raising over there, rude, ignorant, drug addicted, sex crazed little Americans. Good luck with the future America.

      Submitted by baloot on Jul 7, 10 at 3:11am
  • Baloot, where are you from

    Submitted by andrunlc6 on Jul 8, 10 at 1:05am
  • I agree as well

    Submitted by austinonymouss on Jul 7, 10 at 2:18am
  • You mother fucckin douche bag grizzly cat wait till the fuckin crazy ass terrorists steam roll your country and American soldiers come to bail your assout

    Submitted by bumbuffy46 on Jul 8, 10 at 12:47am
    • Oh yea. Ask the people in Iraq how much they love America for "saving" them. Take a walk.

      Submitted by GrizzlyCat on Jul 8, 10 at 5:01am
  • Baloot I wasn't arguing with you. I was actually agreeing. I've lived in this country since the day I was born and used to be extremely patriotic. I see past the bullshit now. I have tons of friends and family in the military and I support them but even they don't agree with what this war is really about. Our leaders send troops to other countries trying to force our beliefs on them and make them run their country the way we want them to. I vote. I express my opinion and don't just run with

    Submitted by memyself on Jul 7, 10 at 9:59am
  • Is it a good idea to microwave this?

    Submitted by fixial on Jul 7, 10 at 12:49pm
  • I'm an American citizen, born and raised. I will admit I feel lucky to live in a country with so many freedoms. I would much rather live here than in a country with a low supply of food or clean drinking water. However, I think it's complete bullshit to say our country has saved so many other countries with our badass military. I support the troops but war=money and that's all politicians care about. A lot of people from other countries hate us because we can't mind our own business.

    Submitted by memyself on Jul 7, 10 at 12:07am
    • I never said you didn't save many countries, heck I'm pretty sure my country would not exist if it wasn't for American support but don't dilute yourself into thinking America gets involved purely for humanitarian reasons, every conflict you are involved with comes down to the oh-not-so-mighty dollar. Let's face facts people America was late to the party in WW2 and we all saw what happened.. they only got involved when Germany became a threat to them.

      Submitted by baloot on Jul 7, 10 at 3:07am
      • technically we got involved when the Japs bombed us on DEC 7, 1941 and up until that point we were sending humanitarian aide, guns and ammo to our allies. So we were in it for awhile before we were techinicall in it and it was because of the Japs not the germans that we were full blown at war. America saves everyone's asses-best nation EVER. And if we are so redneck and retarded how come we lead the world in all industries and advances?

        Submitted by Kristi530 on Jul 7, 10 at 2:20pm
      • Well, obviously we don't get involved for purely humanitarian reasons, not when we have idiots in the government who attacked the mid-east for oil. but it's also true that europe historically gets fucked up once a decade, both world wars being perfect examples, and now that the US has gotten involved in conflicts to help out some countries, we now get criticized when we don't get involved. If I had it my way, America would hardly ever get involved unless we would be directly affected.

        Submitted by StripedSweater on Jul 7, 10 at 11:42pm
        • Oh, and while the dollar may not be as strong right now, no other currency is doing much better. Perfect example: thanks to Greece and several other countries, the now-supremely-fucked Euro isn't doing any better, my guess is that its probably going to fail in the near future, unless someone pulls off a miracle and saves it. If that happens, I would be happy to take economic advice from whoever does it.

          Submitted by StripedSweater on Jul 7, 10 at 11:47pm
  • God bless america!

    Submitted by taternater on Oct 26, 10 at 10:21am

    Submitted by NickSeesAll on Jul 7, 10 at 9:42am
  • If you don't like America then f u c k you

    Submitted by clast71 on Jul 7, 10 at 9:26am
  • Americans are not known for their brilliance in general, they are horribly ignorant of the world around them. But you gotta respect their patriotism

    Submitted by loterfed420 on Jul 21, 12 at 11:47am
  • I think them damn british people are jelouse of our awesomeness and illegal fireworks

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jul 7, 10 at 2:24am
    • I think it's amazing you can't think of any other country in the world other then Britain where we might be from... you're one of those 1/5 of Americans who can't locate the US on a world map, aren't you?

      Submitted by baloot on Jul 7, 10 at 3:26am
    • ...and illegal immigrants

      Submitted by GrizzlyCat on Jul 7, 10 at 4:22pm
  • Whoever voted this thumbs down is a communist!

    Submitted by Connor0710 on Jul 7, 10 at 1:54am
  • ...baloot, you're on Texts From Last Night. Get over yourself.

    Submitted by thatsiciliankid on Jul 9, 10 at 12:33am
  • Hahahahahaha americans.

    Submitted by Halers94 on Jul 6, 10 at 9:50pm
  • Hehe I did that when I got really wasted :) \nOoh yea and AMERICA RULES BITCHES!!!!!

    Submitted by JustAGirl019 on Jul 6, 10 at 9:31pm
  • Haha did any of you people learn about the war of 1812

    Submitted by thatdude7 on Oct 15, 10 at 1:56am
  • I agree with cheezit567

    Submitted by cheezit567 on Jul 7, 10 at 2:13am
  • What I don't understand is why do we help other countries people and children when we have homeless starving children as well? Is it just to show that we aren't supposed to be savages or something? (not saying we are)

    Submitted by WilsonG on Jul 7, 10 at 10:07am
  • America is well, America. I've lived here my whole life. All this drama is dumb. Every country is great for it's own reasons. Everyone and everywhere has highs and lows. If you could just stop trying to be number one and all be number two for one minute than maybe all the arguing would settle down. Thank you

    Submitted by KENZIEternes on Jul 8, 10 at 2:41am
  • Ok ok ok im tired of all u people from different countrys talking shit to another n b4 u start on my grammer im using texting short hand all these countries have our issues n our strenghts but b4 u can start writing false accusation first u have to learn ur history n im not talking bout just the part uf government tells too i mean the history of all these nation. Get educated b4 u try to slander others

    Submitted by TuRomeoSoy on Jul 7, 10 at 1:40am
    • Oh right I'm sure you've learned the history of every single country and are the most educated person in here.

      Submitted by baloot on Jul 7, 10 at 3:18am
      • fuck you. just because this guy might not know much about all these countries doesn't mean his point isn't valid. i don't know who you are, but god, your comments like this seriously piss me off. i'm not the most educated person here, but someone with brain damage could understand that you are being a douche bag.

        Submitted by StripedSweater on Jul 7, 10 at 11:53pm
  • God bless all you guys fighting over this. May you all rot in hell. <3

    Submitted by pichu180 on Jul 6, 10 at 10:45pm
  • GrizzlyCat is actually right, the US isn't exactly a country for others, it's just America for everyone but 'us'. And xXstrangeXx, learn to make a proper sentence before you threaten a random person online, and work on your "ficking" English.

    Submitted by pichu180 on Jul 6, 10 at 9:41pm
  • By all means, ignore the fact that this is a hilarious post, and focus on bashing a bunch of people you don't even know just because a country was mentioned. I don't see a 'political debate' section here so how about you all just STFU. Btw, I'm Swiss born in Canada, that should head off any insults. It doesn't matter which country 'is the best'. Many african countries rate among the worst in terms of health care, education etc.Should we all bash africans? What would that acc

    Submitted by nightlithium on Aug 1, 10 at 4:48pm
  • No we saved their asses twice, and they owe us money for supplying them both times.

    Submitted by big_dubya56 on Jul 16, 10 at 3:42pm
  • If you don't like America, fine. \nEvery country has it's pros and cons. \nBut it's somewhat pathetic that you have taken it upon yourselves to insult Americans over a website devoted stupid and funny texts. \nInstead of insulting our country, \nHow about you go spend your time saluting your own? Or else, sit back and laugh at the texts that end up on here. That's the point of it anyways.

    Submitted by linzaroo93 on Jul 8, 10 at 5:25pm
  • The guy below this most of our doctors are Indian...

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jul 10, 10 at 7:42pm
  • I knew I shouldn't have left that party. sounds like Justin

    Submitted by Chevron36 on Jul 6, 10 at 9:06pm
  • Your home would become a firework for our great nation

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jul 6, 10 at 9:05pm
  • Everyone is so sensitive. My god. If you want to debate go join model un. Fuck everyone who takes this too seriously. And I fucking love America all you other bitches.

    Submitted by rocketpower on Jul 7, 10 at 1:50am
  • We don't stone people to death for adultery. FUCK YEAH!

    Submitted by dspwadge on Jul 7, 10 at 5:24am
  • All I can really add to this situation is this: Yes, USA has problems, Yes, we aren't perfect. BUT we are the cleanup crew in most cases during and after natural disasters. Sure, we don't do it perfectly but I mean, how well could you do something when you're in debt? Besides I didn't hear europe or china rushing to haiti when that earthquake hit.

    Submitted by HinduSpartan on Jul 7, 10 at 4:04am
    • fucking ISRAEL made a batter hospital then you did in Haiti, and they came faster from the other side of planet earth. (It's the planet we live if they didn't teach you that in school)

      Submitted by GrizzlyCat on Jul 7, 10 at 4:25pm
  • crothweasel you sir are my hero

    Submitted by haha1 on Jul 7, 10 at 1:34am
  • @GrizzlyCat: You're an Asshole, don't fucking use homosexual as a word to descride America. It's not a word that decribes something/someone and you using it like that shows how fucking stupid and uneducated you are.\n\nI'm a lesbian and proud. Kay? Thanks bye :D

    Submitted by eternity on Jul 7, 10 at 8:42pm
    • Oh sorry i hurt your ga-y pride. you go girl, rise that flag high and MAKE US all love you.

      Submitted by GrizzlyCat on Jul 8, 10 at 4:57am
  • I imagine the result was something like what these morons did with fireworks - hilarity.\n\n

    Submitted by skootles on Jul 6, 10 at 10:44pm
  • Lol 612 is my area...MN!

    Submitted by hennepin87 on Jul 6, 10 at 8:22pm
  • Best idea I've ever heard

    Submitted by ksistefan13 on Aug 30, 12 at 2:08pm
  • Ron Paul for president!

    Submitted by RimjobBob on Jul 7, 10 at 11:49pm
  • Everyone needs to stop arguing... This text is why people think Americans are IDIOTS, and it's true. I love America. I sered in the marines for 4 years, but dammit this country is fucked up...

    Submitted by guitar_boy on Jul 7, 10 at 12:26pm
  • Or what about we all stop saying shit about eachother because it's getting old! I am Asian-American and proud, I was born in America and happen to love Obama! So let's stop hating on eachother like dickwads and try to get along! Kay? Thanks bye :D

    Submitted by eternity on Jul 7, 10 at 5:00pm
  • By all means, ignore the fact that this is a hilarious post, and focus on bashing a bunch of people you don't even know just because a country was mentioned. I don't see a 'political debate' section on this site so how about you all just STFU. Btw, I'm Swiss born in Canada, that should head off any insults. It doesn't matter which country 'is the best'. Many african countries rate among the worst in terms of health care, education etc.Should we all bash africans? What would

    Submitted by nightlithium on Aug 1, 10 at 4:45pm
  • They r about to get creamed in the face Martyrs for America

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jul 7, 10 at 12:10pm
  • bumbuffy46 is incredibly naive if he/she thinks we "saved europe's ass twice". Go learn some history, you arrogant twat. We actually owe Europe for saving our ass countless times. Nationalism is like a cancer. It's extremely pretentious to be proud of something as meaningless as the piece of dirt you just so happened to be born on.

    Submitted by betteroffded on Jul 13, 10 at 12:26am

    Submitted by austinonymouss on Jul 8, 10 at 2:29am
  • To those saying "America! Fuck yeah!", why are we such a great country? I doubt you're contributing to our country's "greatness", thus you shouldn't have pride in it.

    Submitted by Oms on Jul 7, 10 at 10:13pm
  • USA isnt uneducated...we just dont give a shit!!

    Submitted by cheezit567 on Jul 7, 10 at 2:03am
  • Rebel pride!!

    Submitted by austinonymouss on Jul 7, 10 at 1:41am
  • And just why?

    Submitted by Michguy on Jul 6, 10 at 8:58pm
  • US is not even a real country, it's fake and homosexual.

    Submitted by GrizzlyCat on Jul 6, 10 at 8:54pm
    • I'm all for bashing the US but "homosexual"? How can an entire country be homosexual? And if it was meant as an insult probably should have used the word "f a g" or "butt fuck#rs" and not the PC term. Regardless I think we could have come up with a better slander ;-)

      Submitted by baloot on Jul 6, 10 at 10:44pm
      • haha, i wanted to write G-ay but it didn't let me so i had to replace the word with "homosexual" =)

        Submitted by GrizzlyCat on Jul 7, 10 at 4:35am
    • Wait until your country needs help and Americas ballin ass military are the only people that can help y'all out. Then try and tell us we are not a fucking country.

      Submitted by mm12345 on Jul 6, 10 at 11:48pm
  • We are all mainly hating on the British because they are the ones that just seem to have the most shit to say about America. They really should go drink some tea and go on having crappy teeth cause no one gives a shit when we could fuck up your country for the 5th time if the need arose. Go back to talking about tits and ass like were supposed to on this site.

    Submitted by jules4 on Jul 7, 10 at 6:36am
  • every language race country all have ignorant people that they are ashamed of but grouping those people to the entire country is in correct

    Submitted by haha1 on Jul 7, 10 at 1:32am
  • Where is this brainwashing thing coming from? If any country is guilty of that it was France, honestly. It took moving to Austria for me to realize how shitty it truly is there. And FYI, not everyone here is on autopilot. Way to generalize. I actually have to use my brain at my job, so do the majority of us.

    Submitted by buttersnazzy on Jul 7, 10 at 8:01am
  • Exibit A of why the world hates America...

    Submitted by guitar_boy on Jul 6, 10 at 10:00pm
  • also how fo u do the reply thingy?? :P

    Submitted by NickSeesAll on Jul 7, 10 at 9:37am
  • @baloot i neva said i knew the history of every country i said learn the history of every one b4 trying to slander it i may not know every country but i do know enuf to not talk shit bout wat i dont know and@ every one who says the us is not a real country wat the fuck have u been smoking true the us wud b fucked if it wasnt for the other nations out their. But it still hold its own n even though its not guarded properly we do have. Real boarders

    Submitted by TuRomeoSoy on Jul 7, 10 at 12:04pm