Everyone needs to stop being so judgemental, condoms break not everyone that takes plan B had unprotected sex the point of plan B is when your prginal form of contraception fails.
Idiots.. Go to Europe and unprotected sex at a strangers are just something you do.. And with it there is the morning after pill.. Even though abortion is safe and free..
Honestly u asses it's not homicide if there
is no Brain or heart activity plan B is used for the first 2 weeks or so u fucking assholes stop judging people and go read the part of the bible about not judging others and shit...suck on that u religious ass hole son of a bitches
(616): I just spent a chunk of my Christmas money on a Hooker. I don't think that's what my Priest had mind when he said "spend it on a child", but hey, it was a good blowjob considering the bad ones I gave last night.
Get over calling people whores. It is funny as he'll that SOME (not all, dipshits) of her Christmas money went to Plan B. It's ironic and funny and she admitted she did something dumb. Let it be.
Seriously its not being "judgmental" people need to be smart. HIV rates are really high amongst young women, and for the person that said sometimes birth control fails, the op didn't say the condom broke, she said "considering the bad life choices I made last night".
People need to be smart about their own sexual health, and SO many are not.
Look at all these people trying to defend them selves saying ther not whores. And you know
It's bull shit wher a love glove, don't be silly wrap your willy
Honestly, tfln, I'm fucking over these plan b texts. Maybe it's because my one experience with the morning after pill at age 15 wasn't funny (perhaps in retrospect- I dis vomit like Linda Blair) but how many different stories can we have? Protect yourself people! After a while it's not so cute
5.11 - I have managed to get through a lot and so have many of my friends without getting any STD's and don't plann on getting any.. We are not whores, just players, and btw. Were not french:P
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