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  • What's scary is how insanely full of yourself you must be. I hate Southern California bitches, the ladies in Northern California are so much more down to earth, and so much less ridiculous.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Dec 19, 09 at 8:13pm
    • This is sad, but true. Sad because I live in SoCal. I see it EVERY FREAKING DAY. It makes me cry on the inside.

      Submitted by karcherface on May 11, 10 at 10:09pm
  • 1 he was probly on drugs. 2 they say it to everyone. 3 you probly arent that attractive anyway.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Dec 19, 09 at 8:12pm
  • she sounds like a hooker to me.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Dec 19, 09 at 9:44pm
  • by attractive you mean 200 lbs overweight and an incredible amount of acne?

    Submitted by Anonymous on Dec 20, 09 at 1:19am
  • HAHA I love living in 310..bitches are dillusional...there's a homeless dude on Santaonica blvd who does that it's probably the same guy ;) hahaha

    Submitted by Anonymous on Dec 19, 09 at 8:03pm
  • Cool story bro. You should tell that one at parties.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Dec 19, 09 at 9:12pm
  • If you're hot, you're hot. I don't know why the OP is so conceited over it and I don't know why the people here can't believe attractive people with shitty personalities exist. Average text...

    Submitted by Anonymous on Dec 20, 09 at 9:44am
  • I've have $100 that says the guy was homeless

    Submitted by Anonymous on Dec 19, 09 at 8:17pm
  • he was probably throwing up in his mouth when he got a look at your ugly face, saggy boobs, and fat ass

    Submitted by Anonymous on Dec 20, 09 at 11:52pm
  • thank you, 813 (as a girl from norcal) OP needs to be knocked down a peg or two..

    Submitted by Anonymous on Dec 19, 09 at 8:24pm
  • Yea... Sorry to break it to you, but meth heads do that to everyone.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Dec 19, 09 at 8:09pm
  • Los Angeles texts are so disappointing. Girl probably moved here to make a living being cute. At least she's not driving. The last thing we need is more special snowflakes like this op contributing to traffic. Go dye your hair chick, your true colors are showing.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Dec 19, 09 at 8:21pm
  • Southern California is ridiculous. Crackheads do that to EVERY girl. Even the fat, ugly ones.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Dec 19, 09 at 8:16pm
  • Full of yourself much?

    Submitted by Anonymous on Dec 20, 09 at 1:27pm
  • Op is a morbidly obese girl that needs therapy. If op is the one who recieved this then you need to die for being a friend of this...... Thing that sent you the text.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Dec 19, 09 at 9:16pm
  • I can tell by this one text you're a conceited whore.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Dec 20, 09 at 12:51pm
  • Why are you guys being assholes , she's confident . Let her be . Stop stereotyping SoCal girls . I bet you guys aren't even that fucking cute , and if you say something like "oh no I am cute," YOUR DOING THE SAME THING AS HER , DUMBASS .

    Submitted by andrianamedina on May 11, 11 at 3:13am
  • That happens to me all the time! You GOOOO, girl! *highfives*

    Submitted by Anonymous on Dec 20, 09 at 11:15pm
  • This happened to me at the gym by an old creepy guy…gross!

    Submitted by Anonymous on Dec 20, 09 at 12:05pm
  • Or maybe ur dog ugly. He did growl at u loser.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Dec 19, 09 at 9:31pm
  • 9:59. My guess is that a lot of people are using a smart phone to post. Lots of spelling errors using a small keyboard loser.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Dec 19, 09 at 10:22pm
  • You probably look like the shit I took this morning, you vain cunt.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Dec 19, 09 at 8:14pm
  • Jizz on ur face, bitch

    Submitted by Anonymous on Dec 20, 09 at 2:35am
  • your not fat your fluffy, possibly damn (gabriel inglesias)

    Submitted by Anonymous on Dec 19, 09 at 10:38pm
  • SARCASM ANYONE?! How did you not get it?!

    Submitted by Anonymous on Dec 20, 09 at 2:04am
  • thank you 8:13 im from norcal and live in socal now, the girls down here are fucking ridiculous and the guys are such tools... i miss the norcal people

    Submitted by Anonymous on Dec 21, 09 at 5:13am
  • As for the text, we do not know for sure if it is a man or woman who wrote it. In either case, the person was probably joking as I can't imagine someone would say that in all seriousness. But even if the person was serious, people need to stop and think for a second. -L

    Submitted by Anonymous on Dec 21, 09 at 4:32am
  • this isnt conceited at all

    Submitted by Anonymous on Dec 19, 09 at 11:58pm
  • It was meant to be funny db' remember funny right?!? it's somewhere between you being made fun of AND you making fun of someone else...we can't all be ugly and bitter. Seriously you all need to see the sarcasm...if you don't almost this entire site is pointless...ease up bitches!

    Submitted by Anonymous on Dec 19, 09 at 9:21pm
  • She's not conceited, she's just making a joke.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Dec 20, 09 at 2:30am
  • Wish we all had time to "spell check" shiiit some people are makin the texts and others are obviously only here to spell check the sh#* out of em!!!

    Submitted by Anonymous on Dec 19, 09 at 10:47pm
  • 8:59, I suppose you were involved with this text being posted? If you're the sender, kill yourself. If you're the receiver, find new friends. The ones you have now need to die.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Dec 19, 09 at 9:12pm
  • it scares us how conceited you are, i bet you have LOADS of friends, probably all ones that look worse than you so you can look in some way "attractive".

    Submitted by Anonymous on Dec 21, 09 at 11:41pm
  • 942, do you know what at ellipsis is, or maybe how to use it correctly? Have you seen all the posts lately about shitty texts getting approved? There are more than the amount of brain cells in your skull. I'm assuming you're connected to the op, or the poster below.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Dec 19, 09 at 9:53pm
  • haha text from last night fightss this is retarded but emtertaing

    Submitted by Anonymous on Dec 20, 09 at 4:58pm
  • 942 PLEASE do not breed.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Dec 19, 09 at 9:50pm
  • I can't finish; I keep getting an error. L

    Submitted by Anonymous on Dec 21, 09 at 4:45am
  • 525 needs to get a grip, If you spend your whole night on the corner you'll obviously attract riff raff along with the dick you desire- too bad your frat boy types are higher risk than the bums who are the only ones who actually hit on you. Actuslly no. Conceited people like you kinda deserve sterelization/ the herp

    Submitted by Anonymous on Dec 20, 09 at 12:27pm
  • What the fuck is this people?? Maybe, just maybe, she is hot, and all of you are just bringing her down for no reason at all

    Submitted by Anonymous on Dec 21, 09 at 5:23am
  • funny everyone automatically assumes this was a girl texting someone. besides, why does she have to be a conceited bitch if she did? maybe she was joking. lighten up, people.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Dec 19, 09 at 11:07pm
  • 1. this isnt even a contest. norcal is incredible, socal blows. end of discussion. 2. OP... im just glad that ill never see your fat ass in norcal

    Submitted by Anonymous on Dec 20, 09 at 11:23am
  • Awww not all of us here in SoCal are annoying bitches.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Dec 20, 09 at 4:06am
  • Lol, I'm from SoCal and I think it blows. And alot of the bitches from the 310 are skanks lmao.

    Submitted by charlottexrose on Jan 15, 10 at 1:17pm
  • There are just a lot of sleazy guys here. -L

    Submitted by Anonymous on Dec 21, 09 at 4:37am
  • OP - with you trying to defend yourself, it's looking bad and it's not working. It's not funny and it's not sarcastic. Face it - you're self-centered. It doesn't matter if you are physically attractive or not - being self-centered is not attractive. Next time keep that shit to yourself.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Dec 20, 09 at 5:14am
  • Really? Your either a conceited pos or a fucking liar. No one worth a fuck would say this shit. It's Luke you are trying to make yourself feel better about being a bitch.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Dec 20, 09 at 1:25am
  • Nah you know what I've lived in both places and so cal has way better weed than nor cal. U don't hve shit up there man just face it. Bay dudes are softer than baby shit

    Submitted by Anonymous on Dec 19, 09 at 11:23pm
  • Go go selfesteem!! And you find out you're 250 and the guy is growling at the chick behind you...

    Submitted by Anonymous on Dec 19, 09 at 10:44pm
  • OP is probably ugly as sin.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Dec 19, 09 at 9:50pm
  • I feel ur pain. Dayummmmm

    Submitted by Anonymous on Dec 31, 09 at 3:03am
  • i'm from LA and my boobs and ass are pretty and perky

    Submitted by Anonymous on Dec 20, 09 at 11:57pm
  • All the haters, hello ugly ppl u wouldn't understand...u don't even KNOW what life's like being overly attractive!

    Submitted by Anonymous on Dec 20, 09 at 1:31am
  • are you stupid 1053? norcal's weed tops socal's any day. we got the bay, wtf do you got? and your girls are all copy and paste bimbos. dumb ass.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Dec 19, 09 at 10:56pm
  • Any motherfuckers actually know how to spell on this bitch? Spell-check; learn it!

    Submitted by Anonymous on Dec 19, 09 at 9:59pm
  • 5:25 people with a winning personality are not self-centered. You are delusional and I doublt your ass is sweet. Fat is more like it.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Dec 20, 09 at 6:02am
  • yeah, he probably shit the OP a twin. But smarter

    Submitted by Anonymous on Dec 20, 09 at 11:50pm
  • Nor cal girls r uglier than so cal chics. We got the bomb weed and the bombest females. That's y you girls are more down to earth cuz u know u can't be on that level

    Submitted by Anonymous on Dec 19, 09 at 10:53pm
  • Tell you what.. Give us your fb info and WE'LL be the judge.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Dec 19, 09 at 8:22pm
  • Oh, and one more thing- some of us have it all... And others just think they do. How sad for you!

    Submitted by Anonymous on Dec 19, 09 at 9:14pm
  • Druggies luv me, YAYYY!!!!

    Submitted by Anonymous on Dec 19, 09 at 11:19pm
  • the mods are slipping....

    Submitted by Anonymous on Dec 19, 09 at 8:33pm
  • For real? The same homeless dude hit on me yesterday.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Dec 19, 09 at 10:33pm
  • Ur probably an ugly bitch

    Submitted by Anonymous on Dec 27, 09 at 10:33pm
  • Can't someone just make a joke?

    Submitted by ellewills on Nov 24, 11 at 10:51am
  • I literally think it scared her this time

    Submitted by Anonymous on Dec 20, 09 at 3:26am
  • Fuckin Skank! ......................../´¯/) ......................,/¯..// ...................../..../ / ............./´¯/'...'/´¯¯`·¸ ........../'/.../..../......./¨¯\ ........('(...´(..´......,~/'...') .........\.................\/..../ ..........''...\.......... _.·´ ............\..............( ..............\.............\

    Submitted by Anonymous on Dec 19, 09 at 11:28pm
  • OMFG she's not being conceited at all! she has self confidence which is good >:o

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jan 7, 10 at 10:40pm
  • Though I can't argue that norcal has the best weed... damn they even have a city called weed..

    Submitted by Anonymous on Dec 21, 09 at 5:01pm
  • 10.53 11.23 Norcal weed is better than socal. there is no contest. same with the girls. and people in general.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Dec 20, 09 at 2:21am
  • lame and not funny..

    Submitted by Anonymous on Dec 21, 09 at 3:07am
  • Don't get your hopes up.... I'd fuck roadkill, and most men would be ok with sloppy seconds... Thirds... Fourths.. Fifths....

    Submitted by Anonymous on Dec 19, 09 at 9:11pm
  • @11:58 -- give your real height and weight and let us decide if you are fat

    Submitted by Anonymous on Dec 21, 09 at 8:26am
  • FYI it WAS a guy...which DID make it funny...but not everyone can find humor in the VERY good looking!

    Submitted by Anonymous on Dec 19, 09 at 11:25pm
  • all of your comments make me laugh even harder at how stupid this person is!

    Submitted by newportgirl on Feb 17, 10 at 3:16pm
  • Yours is a life of hardships and woe, OP.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Dec 19, 09 at 9:14pm
  • I've been honked at, eyed, and talked to in not the most gentlemanly of ways, and I do not think I'm particularly pretty. -L

    Submitted by Anonymous on Dec 21, 09 at 4:34am
  • I have the same problem. We should hook up

    Submitted by Anonymous on Dec 20, 09 at 4:57am
  • nobody with a winning personality says they have a winning personality.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Dec 20, 09 at 5:31am
  • 525 please fucking move, I'm tired of honking at your fat ass as you preen in the rear view. Cheap out of state import chicks, go back to the Midwest from whence you came! You shall never be a true la woman, cause you're stuck playing little girl in a world that's too big for your weak brains to truly grasp.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Dec 20, 09 at 12:30pm
  • egotistical conceited bitch

    Submitted by Anonymous on Dec 27, 09 at 4:06pm
  • Get an abortion while you can.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Dec 19, 09 at 11:25pm
  • 2:21 thanks for the back up man haha

    Submitted by Anonymous on Dec 20, 09 at 4:46am
  • Going with the idea that this is a woman, she probably is not 'ugly' or 'obese.' But this happens a lot in LA. That guy probably was making a lame pass. -L

    Submitted by Anonymous on Dec 21, 09 at 4:33am
  • 10:38 lmao DAAAAANNn!!! I love that guy

    Submitted by Anonymous on Dec 19, 09 at 10:42pm
  • LOL. To all those who wrote something disrespectful lmao. \nAssmunches. She just might be that damn attractive *shrug*

    Submitted by BillysoSilly on Jun 10, 11 at 5:22pm
  • well 5:25 you are probably also delusional and fat.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Dec 20, 09 at 5:29am
  • He growled at because u are dog ugly bitch.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Dec 20, 09 at 1:56pm
  • yeah your just soooo fuckin hot arent you(as mentioned before) you vain CUNT!

    Submitted by Anonymous on Dec 19, 09 at 8:20pm
  • there's more i want to write but i keep getting an error message. -5:25

    Submitted by Anonymous on Dec 21, 09 at 5:10pm
  • 8:26-- 5'9.5" 135lbs. -5:25

    Submitted by Anonymous on Dec 21, 09 at 5:06pm
  • I can tell you're a fat whore that puts out jar cause you need to.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Dec 20, 09 at 7:56pm
  • lol @ 12:10! Snookie!

    Submitted by Anonymous on Dec 20, 09 at 12:47pm
  • Silly OP, what that meth head said was 'daaaaamn....that bitch got pussy hair sticking outta her jeans' whack ass 310. Lived in the bay n so cal and so cal def has hotter broads.nocal is hairy hippies

    Submitted by Anonymous on Dec 20, 09 at 10:14am
  • Quit lying to yourself you fat, insecure bitch

    Submitted by Anonymous on Dec 21, 09 at 10:52pm
  • i got a 90% chance she is OBESE

    Submitted by Anonymous on Dec 20, 09 at 5:23am
  • @11:28 thats fuckin awesome!!

    Submitted by Anonymous on Dec 20, 09 at 12:18am
  • Fuckin cunt your prob 300 pounds attention whore

    Submitted by Anonymous on Dec 19, 09 at 8:30pm
  • I wasn't planning on writing so much, -L

    Submitted by Anonymous on Dec 21, 09 at 4:39am
  • Not all us chicks here in socal are narcissistic cunts...

    Submitted by Anonymous on Dec 21, 09 at 4:55pm
  • 10:52 are you talking to 5:25 or the OP?

    Submitted by Anonymous on Dec 21, 09 at 11:16pm
  • WOW haters...why don't you go post on your own TFLN...oh wait...they never made it!!! Some of us have it and know the rest ;)

    Submitted by Anonymous on Dec 19, 09 at 8:59pm
  • i'm 5:25, and it is SO FUNNY to see what everyone thinks they know about me. i'm obese, ugly, from the midwest, and full of STD's huh? i've lived in LA my whole life, i am FAR from even being overweight, and i've never had an STD in my life....

    Submitted by Anonymous on Dec 20, 09 at 11:58pm
  • 12:30 Don't diss the Midwest!

    Submitted by Anonymous on Dec 20, 09 at 6:57pm
  • To the op since it seems your reading here and getting upset. Don't worry about these ppl they get all hateful lol

    Submitted by Anonymous on Dec 19, 09 at 11:39pm
  • So true story. I'm so feelin you on this. It happens to me all the time. - Gemma

    Submitted by Anonymous on Dec 19, 09 at 10:50pm
  • "Awww not all of us here in SoCal are annoying bitches. December 20, 2009 4:06AM" THANK YOU! I live in LA and I am not like the obnoxious stereotype. LA is just where I live, not who I am. -L

    Submitted by Anonymous on Dec 21, 09 at 4:31am
  • being self centered gets guys to buy you drinks... it's strange. either that or my self-centeredness just works really well with my winning personality and sweet ass. OP--i had the exact same night as you (i'm even in the 310). <3

    Submitted by Anonymous on Dec 20, 09 at 5:25am
  • since this is from LA, the guy was just probably shitting himself

    Submitted by Anonymous on Dec 20, 09 at 11:50pm
  • 11:23 must not have had a good supplier, norcal is KNOWN to have better tree

    Submitted by Anonymous on Dec 19, 09 at 11:52pm
  • Fuck it both 859 and 952. They're making me stupid by association, save me!

    Submitted by Anonymous on Dec 19, 09 at 9:55pm