the girl next to me in class just threw up in a waterbottle during our exam.
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jersey everything
Oh, I get it. It's funny because water bottles usually hold water, not vomit! -Guy pre-empting Jeff
i've definitely puked in a gatorade bottle before, so it's possible. a water bottle might be more tricky.
I'll leave the light on for you -Tom Bodet
Jersey would be bad if it weren't for all the fucking losers who live there
In Soviet Russia, water bottle throws up in you
there's always the puke in your mouth then spit method...
jersey can suck anyones dick. the place sucks...what can ya do?
Jeff Loves Cock. -Jeff's Uncle.
Maybe like a Gatorade bottle? I'm pretty sure a waterbottle Is pretty damn difficult to do.
nope it was a regular water bottle and i witnessed it! Rider U lmao
Charles Rutherford believes she should b force-fed the contents of the bottle while singing "I'm a goop goobler"
NJ all day haha that's Awesome
monmouth county is the shitt
Fake. Stupid. You people need to get a life.
Thatts amazling gross
WTF this is just like the "the girl sitting next to me in class just used her birth control box as a ruler. I call fake.
4:11 jersey can suck my dick
It was probably one of those reuseable water bottles
Um, first of all, how does one throw up in a water bottle? This doesn't make any sense.
that seems like it takes practice
Not a bottle of water, a water a Nalgene, or the old school sports bottle you dipshits. The rub here is that the other kid is texting during an exam.
Hey u gotta make do!!
For everyone who thinks new jersey sucks, you obviously have never been to Monmouth county. Mothaaaa fuckaaaaas!
adept girl
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